Who knew that the flower industry could possibly become affected by political decisions made throughout the world? Peter S. Goodman of The New York Times writes that Great Britain’s decision to leave the European Union could potentially wreak havoc on the floral trade not only in the country but across the entire continent as well!

Florist Market Flowers Flower Stall Bunch Bouquet
Located in Holland is one of the largest wholesale floral exchanges and auctions. Flowers are auctioned off and shipped across the world. A large portion of these flowers ends up in the United Kingdom. However, with Brexit ultimately happening next March, flowers that would normally have no issues clearing customs will have to be rigorously examined and meet new regulation guidelines in order to enter the country. This could potentially cause huge disturbances in the trade industry both in and out. The longer transit times will also be an issue. Flowers are a fragile and perishable product. The longer these products travel, the shorter the vase life of the flowers for the consumer will be.
The British may have to get flowers such as roses directly from the sources (growers) instead of going through these floral exchanges. This could certainly become a challenge. Or perhaps agreements can be made between the countries of the European Union and Great Britain to make this process a bit more seamless. Regardless, this separation will undoubtedly cause rifts in the trade and distribution of all items- floral or not.
Do you find this as interesting as we do? Will it stir up problems here too in America? We certainly hope not! Let us know what you think! Feel free to visit both our New Jersey and New York locations to see our amazing selection of fresh wholesale flowers! You can also get flowers delivered directly to your retail location with our Flowers Express program! We can’t wait to talk!
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