Gypsophila: A Favorite Filler

What is Baby’s Breath? Baby’s breath or also commonly called gypsophila is one of the most popular filler flowers for retail florists. These blooms have tiny white buds that are clustered on long lush stems. Gysophila represents undying love and romance...

Flower Spotlight: Carnations

For this month’s flower spotlight, we’d like to give credit where credit is due to an unsung hero of the floral industry, carnations. They get a bad rap and are always being passed over but we think they deserve better! We have a few reasons why we think Carnations...

Sunflower Season!

The end of summer into early fall boasts the most beautiful sunflowers of the season. As we approach that season, here is an inside look at all things sunflower! Sunflowers are native to the U.S. and due to that, a large portion of the sunflowers we sell here at Main...

Fall Favorites

With the cool, crisp weather approaching, we have so many beautiful blooms to look forward to! Here is a look at some of our favorites for the autumn season.. Chrysanthemums- We just love a bronze chrysanthemum! They can be arranged on their own in multiple colors or...

Pincushion Assorted

Pincushions are a unique, tropical flower available in a range of bright tones of yellow, orange and red. These colors are characteristic for this flower. The leaf is covered with a thin wax layer, which gives the flower protection for the salty sea wind that is...