
The Iris, known as a royal flower for its deeply saturated purple color, is the radiant attention-grabber a bouquet or arrangement always needs. Elegant and long-lasting, these intense flowers bring both a sense of royalty and a rustic feel depending on how one...

Gerbera Daisies

Gerbera Daisies, closely related to the Sunflower, are know for their bold and brilliants colors. These long-lasting blooms add intense color and a cheery demeanor wherever they may be used. 


As some of the first perennials to bloom of the year, daffodils are another great choice for the early spring. They’re elegant and unique shape, though delicate, adds a perfect amount of zest to a wide variety of springtime arrangements. 

March Flowers at Main 2022

March means Spring is right around the corner and, of course, there is an abundance of fresh flowers that will be there to help guide us out of winter and into the warmer months ahead. There is always a lot to look forward to in March and our freshly stocked flowers...